Community of Practice Outreach
By engaging in healing soulidarity, we are contributing to building a community of practice towards normalising restorative healing framework in our structural, cultural and relational systems through:
Healing Festivals
Organising esoteric and exoteric Ubuntu Healing Festivals to share healing insights, have courageous healing conversations and regenerate our body, mind and heart in restorative healing gatherings.
Telling restorative healing stories that matter in our intergenerational and collective healing.
Arts and Crafts Events
We embark on a creative approach to restorative healing through arts and crafts by organising a series of restorative healing events on experiential wellbeing through creative works.
Wellbeing Centre and Library
We are establishing and facilitating a Peace Village called Sanctuary of Zenity, which also serves as a public library and a wellness hub for restorative empirical healing practices.
Restorative Healing Publication
We are publishing a series of restorative healing books to strengthen our community of practice outreach agenda and contribute significantly to restorative healing knowledge production in Africa.
We are advancing Ubuntu education and restorative healing culture through evidence-based, multidisciplinary, holistic and empirical restorative healing research and practice through the facilitation of academics, researchers, practitioners, and creative gatherings to spread and promote collective and intergenerational healing in Africa.
The Food for The Soul Conversations
We present restorative healing conversations through interviews, talk shows, podcasts and Ubuntu Healing Circle to strengthen the restorative healing endeavours of our target audience. We also incorporate regenerative farming, healthy eating and climate change discourses for a collective restorative healing approach to sustainable solution findings.